Thursday, June 25, 2015

Week 5 June 19, 2015

The mtc is just flying by! we get our FLIGHT PLANS TODAY!! I can't even believe it! 

There's not much new in my life.. just continuing to learn spanish and teach A LOT. But This week has definately been a humbling experience! I have been doubting myself and my abilities to teach alot.. but heavenly father knows each one of us personally and the experiences we go through! 

I've learned soo much.. this week. I know that the mission is hard and its satan trying to pull us down each and everyday! we have soo much good and are soo capable to help others and change ourselves.. but satan doesnt want that! I have definately felt discouraged this week but I know that prayers are answered!!!

SOOOO GUESS WHAT?!? Im going to share one of these experiences! So wednesday and thursday were rough! me and hermana fox were both feeling discouraged about teaching and about spanish and feeling like we werent measuring up to the expectations that we had set for ourselves.. but we right before lunch yesterday we were scheduled to teach our "investigator" (which was really our teacher Hermano Oslter..) but anyways we were very last to teach and everyone had gone over. we only had about 7 mintues until lunch... we decided that we would just share a short message and then ask him to read 2 nephi 31 in the book of mormon.. (because we meant to give him that last time, it was about baptism.. but we gave him the wrong chapter... soooo we seriously had nothing to talk about and had no plan for the lesson whatsoever) but anyways we knock on the door and he tells us that he has a few minutes... after we sat down I seriously had no idea what we were going to say and it seems like hermana fox didnt either. but we just started teaching and I HAVE NEVER FELT THE SPIRIT SOOO STRONGLY. It was exactly what I needed to feel... I dont remember what we talked about but I remember that the whole time I kept having this thought pop into my head to invite him to be baptized... but I kept brushing it aside because we hadnt talked about the Book of momron yet, or the restoration or anything about the gospel! but at the end hermana fox (was the brave one) and followed the spirit by asking if he would follow the example of christ... and then I was able to help him select a day for his baptism! IT WAS AMAZING!!!!!! AHHHHHHHH HEAVENLY FATHER KNEW THAT WE NEEDED THAT AND THAT WE NEEDED THE CONFIDENCE THAT WE ARE HIS INSTURMENTS AND THAT HE IS AWARE OF US!!  

after the lesson usually our teacher will stay in character until we leave the room and then he comes and talks to us about how we did... but he couldnt wait! as soon as we said amen... he jumps up and says that was impressive! that was the best lesson that I have ever had being an investigator!!! and he told us that he was soo proud of us and how far we have come!! 
then me and hermana fox look at each other and start crying!! its was amazing!! and an experience that I will cherish forever!!!!

The mtc is hard... its tough... emotionally, physically (hahahha maybe not soo much LOTS OF SITTING), spiritually! but this experience has changed my life and its only been a few weeks! It has strengthened my testimony of how much heavenly father is there and that even though he is trying to push us into being more christ like!  he wants us to be happy!! thats what I want everyone to feel! and that is why I am on a mission to help people realize that we dont have to do this alone!! We have a heavenly father that wants to bless us more than anything.. and a savior that understands each one of us perfectly!! 

Im so grateful for this experience! thank you everyone for packages and letters!!! thanks katie neeleman for the treats!! I love them!!! you guys are the sweetest to think of me!! but I love you guys and miss you everyday!! youre always in my prayers!! 

I love this gospel and love being a representative of my savior!! I love seeing soo many friendly faces here!!! I have one of my friends from the dorms in my zone (Jacob Curtis ) and then I have seen Kenzie Peterson, ellie arnold, will taylor, and sooooo many friends from the dorms!! But Its soo fun that we are all doing it together! and they all seem soo happy as am I!!

I love you HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!
NEXT STOP ARGENTINA!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhhh I cant believe it!! 

xoxox Hermana Pitts 

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